Call to Action

Have you had enough of being called ‘economically inactive’?

This Mother’s Day, let’s celebrate the work mothers do. Let’s value care. 

For too long the work mothers do has been devalued and downgraded. It is time to find our voice and speak up for its value.

Raising children and taking care of our elderly are not 'barriers to work’ or ‘burdens'. It is the most important work and the duty of every good society to take care of its most vulnerable members.

Mothers at Home Matter Call on the Government to:

  1. Stop calling stay at home parents ‘economically inactive’. We are active and productive;

  2. Find a way of measuring the valuable work we do. GDP does not count the quality and continuity of care and the emotional well-being and strength of the family unit;

  3. Make child benefit fair — means testing (if necessary) should be based on the household income, not an individual’s earning;

  4. Allow families the option of being taxed jointly with a transferable allowance in full or in part for a non-earning spouse;

  5. Include the option of care by a parent in the £4 billion taxpayer funding of ‘childcare'.

Please join us and lend us your support.

Together we are stronger.

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Please write to your MP using the template letter below.


Further action?

Visit our Campaign Resource page for information relating to writing to your MP.

There are quite a few benefits to being a Mothers At Home Matter member and your support is invaluable to help us to shout louder.

For more information about taxation:


Response to Rishi Sunak’s post on childcare


What about the children?