Tory family values dropped

Danny Kruger MP says that far from supporting family life, the stat seems to do all it can do to make it irrelevant. Daily Telegraph 4th September 2022. Mothers At Home Matter.

The picture says it all. A new narrative is needed!

In light of the Children’s Commissioner’s research published this past week, Danny Kruger MP believes that Conservative governments undermine the importance of families. He writes in the Daily Telegraph: Will Liz Truss make ‘a grand commitment to put families at the heart of domestic agenda?"‘

Dame Rachel’s research - building on the great work done by Andrea Leadsom MP on the importance of the early years - is an unignorable call for action.
— Danny Kruger MP

Mr Kruger points out that Government has set aside the importance of family while attempting to raise standards in schools. With the damage caused by the Covid pandemic and a taxation system which penalises single-earner households, will there be a change of emphasis under the new Prime Minister which shows the importance of family?

A single-earner household family in the UK pays 85 per cent more tax than a comparable French family, twice as much as a comparable US family, and eleven times more than a comparable German family.
— Danny Kruger MP

With Gratitude


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